Dorm Wi-Fi

Dorm Wi-Fi access is handled by a third-party vendor.

Follow these steps to connect your devices to the network:

Get Connected:

For Wi-Fi, choose the network named “MyResNet” (for 5Ghz devices) OR “MyResNet Legacy” (for 2.4Ghz devices)

Open a browser – You will be re-directed to MyResNet splash page.

Select “Click here to continue.”

At bottom of page, copy and paste “MAC address” into a word document.You will need that later.

Click “Create an account.”

Fill in your information.

Select “Add devices.”

Select your device and input mac address.You will need to do this for all your devices.

Restart device.

Apogee Contact Info:

If you have any issues connecting to the Wi-Fi in the Dorms please reach out to Apogee:

Internet Support Available 27/7

CALL (833) 548-0084

TEXT “ResNet” to 84700




Service ID: 4839
Wed 7/27/22 8:21 AM
Thu 7/28/22 9:18 AM